Overall Rating (based on customer reviews): 3.8 out of 5 stars
3.8 out of 5 stars

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Nutrition for Health, Fitness & Sport, now in its tenth edition, provides the reader with thorough coverage of the role nutrition plays in enhancing one’s health, fitness, and sport performance. Current research and practical activities are incorporated throughout.

This edition welcomes the addition of two new authors, Dawn E. Anderson and Eric S. Rawson, both of whom are actively involved in the disciplines of exercise physiology and sports nutrition, and who have used this textbook over the years to teach their university classes.

The tenth edition includes incorporation of the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the associated MyPlate model that has replaced the MyPyramid model. The new MyPlate model, which was designed to be more user-friendly for the American population, is discussed in several chapters. New information from authoritative position statements dealing with exercise and nutrition issues has been incorporated in various chapters where relevant. More than 300 new references, including clinical studies, reviews, and meta-analyses, have also been added to the text.

The specs of ‘Nutrition for Health, Fitness & Sport’ are:

  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math (2012-02-03)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0078021324
  • Product Dimensions: 10.7×8.9×0.9 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 3.1 pounds

Here are some REAL customer reviews:

“wrong book”

Please make sure your sending the correct prodcut you list on the website .customer just expect waht they pay for and to be correct , not damaged , not the wrong item of course ,, thats all
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“Not bad”

Understandable and easy to study for tests and gain more knowledge about nutrition. Kind of big and heavy, but what textbooks aren’t.
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“Excelent book”

The information in this book is very well organized, updated and explains complex concepts in an easy way. Great illustration. Every person interested in sport nutrition should have it.
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Melvin Williams is the Director of Human Performance Laboratory at Old Dominion University, and has more than 30 years of lab research with a focus on the role of nutrition in sports. He has written and edited five books on ergogenic aids and the role of nutrition in sports — his two latest books are The Ergogenics Edge: Pushing the Limits of Sports Performance (Human Kinetics) and Nutrition for Health, Fitness, and Sports, Sixth Edition (McGraw-Hill). He earned a B.S. from East Stroudsburg State College (1962), a Master of Education degree from Ohio University (1963), and a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland (1968), with a doctoral dissertation on the effects of alcohol as a possible means to enhance strength and endurance. He’s an accomplished marathon runner, placing first in his age group numerous times in the Marine Corps Marathon, which merited his selection in the Marine Corps Marathon Hall of Fame in 2001. Get your copy today!

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